
Number of shops replaced with new platform
The Illux web-shop that we created from the conceptual idea allows customers to order various kinds of art (wallpapers, wall stickers, framed prints) either from their personal photos or from a large gallery of artwork created by famous Scandinavian artists. The orders can be further customized by selecting the wanted size, framing, colour theme and other aspects, and getting an on-the-fly preview of the end product. The webshop is integrated with SAP and the printing department, handling the full cycle from ordering to production to delivery.
Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans
We attracted a lot of new satisfied customers, and we expanded into new markets. Our production department can handle more orders without additional staff. We continue to add new features to the web-shop, improve user experience, and automate.
PHP / Typo3 / jQuery / MySQL / HTML/CSS / SOAP / SAP

Enterprise contract management system
Contractpedia is a SaaS cloud-based product which handles organization level commitments in a single place. The goal is to help medium and medium-large organizations, both in the private and the public sector, manage effective contracts with an affordable monthly subscription on the web. We created the product from scratch, ranging from the concept to information architecture to development and post-release maintenance.